Our vision
To create and sustain partnerships across schools, training, further education and industry which provide pathways for youth into manufacturing and engineering careers.
The Mackay Engineering College (MEC) is a joint initiative between the Department of Education (DoE), the Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) and Manufacturing Skills Queensland (MSQ). This venture has been made possible by funding from the Australian Government ($5.9m) and the Queensland Government ($1.76m).
The need for the MEC was recognised from the current and future growth in the Mackay area and throughout the state. Skill sets undertaken by students at the MEC support businesses that service the region and provide excellent opportunities for our young people to effectively transition from school into work.
Local industry and businesses have confirmed that the current vocational training presently composes of a set of descriptive work competencies focussing upon specific trade skills and are often focused upon by training providers at the expense of the more general but very highly valued skills in communication, attitude and teamwork. The MEC provides programs that synthesise worthwhile practical trade skills encompassing workplace attitude and behaviour which employers are seeking.
In delivering this, the MEC will continue to develop very strong, systematic and enduring links with industry to make learning ‘real’ in genuine work environments where students are motivated because they see the purpose for their learning.